Telegram Community Marketing Guide: How To Build A Strong Crypto Community

May 30, 2022

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Community Management

*This article was updated in May 2024.

In the crypto and web 3 worlds, a community serves as a solid foundation for success of the project, and major crypto brands already place a great emphasis on developing an active community. The importance of a vibrant community cannot be overstated in the fast-paced crypto industry, where staying connected and informed is crucial for success. A thriving community is also a low-cost marketing strategy for spreading the word about your crypto project in front of your potential customers.

Because of their speed, versatility, and security, Telegram groups are regarded as one of the preferred social platforms for building a crypto community, offering real-time updates and insights into the volatile crypto market. Several well-known crypto projects and influencers use their Telegram groups to engage with their target audience. The messaging platform can help spread the word about your cryptocurrency project and, gain more followers, educate your community members, and the organic growth of your brand and community. These are only a few of the factors why the crypto community adores Telegram. Telegram's global reach and influence extend throughout the crypto world, connecting enthusiasts and experts across borders.

Telegram stats you should know about:

  • The platform has over 800 million monthly active users.
Telegram Statistics

Finding the best crypto Telegram groups can significantly enhance your understanding and navigation of the crypto space.

  • As of May 2024, Telegram is the fourth most popular instant messaging app.
  • The messenger app has a slightly younger audience; 41% of users are between the ages of 14 and 34.
Telegram's audience age group

This makes Telegram an invaluable tool for crypto projects and influencers looking to leverage a crypto Telegram group to foster a dedicated and informed community.

Telegram community basics

Telegram groups: A community on Telegram is called a group. Telegram groups can be public or private and have up to 200,000 members.

Telegram channels: Telegram channels are similar to groups, except that channels are used for broadcasting messages to an unlimited audience, making them ideal platforms for crypto telegram channels. These channels serve as a vital source for crypto trading signals, updates, insights, and discussions, helping members stay informed with real-time information. A Telegram channel can be linked to a Telegram group and have no user limit. The role of a crypto telegram channel is to disseminate crucial information, market news, and expert analyses to the crypto community, ensuring that investors and traders have access to timely data and advice.

Admins: Telegram allows you to add admins with customized permissions to assist you with community management.

Pinned messages: Admins and users who have permission can pin specific messages at the top of the group.

Telegram Passport: Telegram Passport is an excellent feature to store frequently used essential documents that can be accessed when KYC is required.

Why are crypto Telegram channels so popular for crypto marketing?

There are several advantages of utilizing Telegram for your crypto community:

  • Joining a group on Telegram is very easy; if your followers already have an account, all they have to do is tap/click on the invitation link of your project’s group. This simplicity makes it an ideal platform for disseminating crypto news, ensuring your community stays informed with the latest developments and trends in the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry.
  • You can add bots in your channel that can ease administration by providing automated moderation and features like games, automated responses, payment, etc. Additionally, these bots can be programmed to deliver crypto signals, offering your community valuable market analysis and trading ideas directly within Telegram.
  • You can pin messages with links to enable your community members learn more about your brand.
  • Telegram community management is simple; channel administrators can change information, delete messages, ban users, add new mods, and so on from their settings.
  • Your team members can reply swiftly to feedback and inquiries from your community members.

10 Valuable Telegram marketing strategies for crypto communities

Establish clear community guidelines

Define clear and concise guidelines for your Telegram group, and strictly implement these guidelines in your community. Having clear guidelines is critical for you since it promotes a healthy climate in your community.

Actively monitor the activities and chats, and if you notice that a user is not respecting the guidelines, send them a private message alerting them of the problem, or ban them from your community for repeated offences.

Promote your Telegram channel on other platforms

Design an outreach strategy for your Telegram community. Include a Telegram invite link on your official website, blogs, press releases, and your social media profiles. You can also join crypto groups and discussion forums relevant to your niche and share links to your groups whenever possible without being labeled spam.

You can also contact the website or forum administrators and seek permission to advertise your crypto group on their platform. Some platforms might allow you to advertise your community for free, while others may require paid advertising for channel marketing, so have a dedicated budget for outreach.

You can also add your community to public telegram directories to increase your community's online presence. Moreover, it won't cost you much time or money to add your brand to these directories.

Telegram public directories you can use:

Telegram Channels



Create and share quality content on your crypto news channel

Creating and sharing high-quality content allows you to build enthusiasm while also educating your audience about your brand and its goals. Create compelling visual content (videos, infographics, pictures) related to your project's technology, your objective, information about your token, market trends, your project's roadmap, etc.

Make a content calendar and publish content in your community on a regular basis. Remember that the quantity of content you share every day is unimportant, so prioritize quality over quantity. Organize weekly AMA meetings with your project's creators to listen to your followers' feedback, doubts, and questions. Instead of viewing your community as a one-sided information dump, create an interactive atmosphere for the members.

Add new admins and mods for community management

When your community starts growing, it can become hard for you and your team members to manage so many users at once. 

You can work with a community manager or a digital marketing agency to monitor your group chats and help you safeguard your community members from scams and frauds that could happen under your name. As your community grows, you should hire new admins and mods to assist you in managing it. You can also ask your community's original members to assist and oversee the conversations.

Maintain active engagement in your Telegram channel

By actively communicating your brand purpose, you can foster a sense of belonging among your community members. Your members can have different interests; they can be crypto enthusiasts, miners, crypto investors, developers, etc. It is essential to value each member equally.

Listen to their feedback, respond appropriately, and let them know how important each community member is to your project.

Few strategies to maintain active engagement in your community:

- Encourage your audience to create content and memes about you.

- Post a welcome message for every new member joining your community. You can automate this process using Telegram bots.

- Ask them to share their success stories and achievements involving your project.

- Create polls for taking feedback from your audience

- Listen to their suggestions and thank them for their feedback.

Create referral programs for your existing community members

A referral program, just like word of mouth, encourages the current members of your crypto community to spread the word about your project. A referral marketing strategy can be wonderful things for your community and your project as it promotes your project organically rather than through paid advertising. Moreover, new members are more inclined to join your community if someone refers them to your channel.

Ask your community members to share your community's invite link to their friends and other communities in which they are active. Announce the referral program on your social media channels and website, and reward users by either whitelisting them for your next drop or rewarding them with your NFT or token into their wallet.

Use Telegram stickers

On Telegram, you can create personalized sticker packs free of cost and use them as an engagement tool for your community. You can create stickers that include your logos, specific terminology related to what your audience uses, your project's mascot, visuals related to your project, etc.

Stickers can be an excellent tool for your project as they are easy to use and a widely popular feature of Telegram. Your audience can download and use these sticker packs in conversation inside and outside your community, ultimately becoming brand ambassadors of your crypto project.

Actively host events on your Telegram channel

Your community members can get bored by having serious discussions all the time. Hence it is crucial to have some fun activities within your Telegram community.

Event ideas for your channel:

- Create NFT or token giveaways.

- Gamify the interaction to reward XP or level up active members.

- Organize community meetings to discuss topics unrelated to your project.

- Host real-world community meetups and events.

- Create a quiz competition within your Telegram group.

- Host hackathons for the developers.

Add Telegram bots for crypto trading signals to your community

Bots are programs that can automate specific tasks with minimal human interference. Bots can help you with a wide variety of management tasks, such as assisting your community managers with moderation, adding new group info, sharing announcements, creating polls, sharing important stats, etc.

How to add a bot to a Telegram channel?

1. Launch the Telegram app on your phone.

2. Click on the contacts icon.

3. In the search bar, type in the bot's name you want to add @[botname].

4. Click on the bot name to open the chat window.

5. Click on the bot's profile image.

6. Click on "Add to Group" and select the groups you want to add the bot to.

7. Verify and tap "yes" to add the bot to the desired groups.

Keep analyzing your community data

It is critical to assess the effectiveness of your community management strategy. You should actively evaluate your KPIs to determine which activities are successful and which are not, as well as what your audience is most interested in.

Questions to ask while analyzing your data:

- Total participation of your users in a discussion?

- Which type of content is getting more impression and engagement?

- What is the overall engagement of your community?

- How many users are clicking on the posted links

- How many referrals are you getting weekly and monthly?

TON: A Seamless Integration with Telegram

TON - The Open Network | Connected to Telegram

TON, or The Open Network, represents an ambitious blockchain project initially conceptualized by Telegram. Its main goal is to provide a highly scalable and user-friendly blockchain infrastructure that can seamlessly integrate with Telegram’s vast user base, including the best crypto Telegram groups. TON aims to enhance the functionalities of Telegram by enabling faster transactions, high scalability, and advanced user privacy, making it an ideal ecosystem for developing and deploying decentralized applications (DApps). A Telegram crypto group focusing on various aspects of the cryptocurrency market, from trading to educational content, can greatly benefit from TON's features. TON's integration with Telegram aims to serve the diverse community found in telegram crypto groups, offering a platform that supports real-time updates, secure transactions, and a wide range of DApps.

TON's Mini Apps: Enhancing Engagement and Functionality

Overview of Mini Apps

TON Mini Apps

Mini Apps on TON are lightweight applications that operate within the Telegram ecosystem, designed to extend the functionalities of Telegram groups and channels. These apps allow users to interact with various blockchain-based services without leaving the Telegram interface, facilitating a smoother and more integrated user experience.

Benefits for Crypto Communities

1. Enhanced Interactivity: Mini Apps introduce a new level of interaction within Telegram. Users can participate in decentralized finance (DeFi) activities, trade cryptocurrencies, or access a variety of blockchain services directly from their Telegram interface.

2. Increased Engagement: By embedding functionalities such as token swaps, wallet services, and interactive games, Mini Apps keep the community engaged and active, contributing to the organic growth of the community.

3. Simplified User Experience: Mini Apps reduce the learning curve associated with blockchain and crypto technologies. New users can easily engage with complex systems through a familiar platform, potentially increasing adoption rates.

4. Customization and Flexibility: Developers can create tailored Mini Apps to meet the specific needs of their communities, whether it’s for managing transactions, conducting polls, or providing personalized updates.

5. Security and Trust: Integrated directly into Telegram, Mini Apps benefit from the platform’s encryption and security protocols, ensuring safe and secure interactions for users.

Implementation and Use Cases

Mini Apps on TON

From crypto exchanges and payment solutions to real-time data feeds and NFT marketplaces, Mini Apps can be developed for a myriad of uses. For instance, a Mini App could allow users to check real-time cryptocurrency prices, execute trades, or manage their crypto portfolios without ever leaving their Telegram chat window.

As blockchain technology continues to evolve and integrate into everyday applications, platforms like TON and its Mini Apps play a pivotal role in shaping how communities interact with these technologies. By leveraging the familiarity and extensive reach of Telegram, TON’s Mini Apps not only enrich the user experience but also pave the way for greater adoption and innovation in the crypto space. This integration promises a future where accessing and interacting with blockchain technologies is as straightforward and user-friendly as sending a message.

Should you work with a Telegram community management agency?

Now that you understand the potential of Telegram to build a solid community and the steps to take, it's time for you to create and grow your own community. You can work with in-house community managers to build your team, but keep in mind that it can be expensive because you will need to hire multiple individuals and purchase tools.

Alternatively, you can hire a marketing agency that knows what they're doing and whose sole focus will be on growing your community with like-minded individuals. A community management agency can also help you save time and resources.

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